We are looking for 7 new student representatives to join the Fund’s administrative body this year; both undergraduates and graduate students are welcome. We would be extremely grateful if you could extend this opportunity to your students, and invite them to apply.
This is a great opportunity for professional development especially for those interested in non-profits, organizational change, strategic planning, and management.
As you may be aware, the Topping Fund is administered by a Governing Board composed of a majority of current students who recruit and select fund recipients, and oversee the long-term policies of the Topping Scholarship. Benefits of being a student representative include service to the university and local community, organizational leadership experience, and networking with student leaders, faculty, and staff. Appointed by the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Programs, student representatives serve a two-year term and participate in 6-8 meetings per semester. Students interested in serving on the Governing Board in 2018-2019 should apply by September 5th.
The following link leads to the application form, and can absolutely be distributed to interested students. A digital file is also attached for your convenience.
Link to Application: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VrA18mCwirjwAcGIg4_IIIO5GHiOXxpA/view
Thank you very much for your time.
Published on August 30th, 2018Last updated on August 30th, 2018