ENGR 503x: Oral Communication Skills for Engineering Ph.D. Students
1st Session (Section 28577R) Tues., Aug. 27 – Thurs., Oct. 10
2nd Session (Section 28578R) Tues., Oct. 22 – Thurs., Dec. 5
This 2-unit course is 7-weeks and is CR/NC. The course covers general principles of effective oral communication, including delivery elements and structuring information. Workshop-style classes focus on conference presentations, qualifying exams and other oral communication projects. Students experience a variety of presenting situations with the goal of building confidence, focus and connection to a variety of audiences. Personalized feedback on current presentations is provided along with individual instruction to promote continued improvement in the future.
o Tuesday and Thursday 12pm – 1:50 PM
o Location: SOS B50
ENGR 502x: Writing Skills for Engineering Ph.D. Students
1st Session (Section 28579R) Tues., Aug. 27 – Thurs., Oct. 10
2nd Session (Section 28580R) Tues., Oct. 22 – Thurs., Dec. 5
This 2-unit course is 7-weeks and is CR/NC. The course addresses academic and research writing, writing for publication, dissertations, proposals, conference papers, and journal articles as well as general principles of effective written communication. Communication to industry and public audiences is also covered. Students receive one-on-one assistance on their current writing projects (e.g. conference papers).
o Tuesday and Thursday 4pm – 5:50 PM
o Location: 1st Session – GFS 205, 2nd Session – KAP 141
Questions: please contact Elizabeth Fife, Instructor, Engineering Writing Program fife@usc.edu
Published on August 30th, 2019Last updated on August 30th, 2019