Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Student Recognition Awards!

November 8, 2018

The USC Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society invites applications for PKP Student Recognition Awards for the 2018-2019 academic year.  These awards are open to students in all schools at USC, both graduate students and undergraduates, for original works of scholarship or creative arts.

Students must be registered at USC this fall and their applications must be endorsed by a faculty member.  Details are on the attached flier and application form.

Four awards are announced each year at the annual Honors Convocation in the spring.  Student recipients receive $500 in addition to the prestige associated with the award.  Please give your students time to apply before the deadline of December 5, 2018, by distributing the attached information at your earliest convenience.

PKP Student Recognition Awards!

Published on November 8th, 2018Last updated on November 8th, 2018