Fall Courses for STEM majors

August 24, 2018

Are you interested in being an effective communicator of STEM subject? Check out these three 1-unit courses:

TRGN 599: Special Topics: Communicating Science (1.0 unit each)
Emphasis will be placed on the selection of key communication points, development of processes to package data for accurate dissemination, and optimization of communication strategies to ensure data is conveyed accurately and effectively. These are project-based workshop-style courses. Students will practice different modes of communication using their own research subject area of interest.

Communicating Science: Speaking
Section 70061R Wednesday 10:30-11:25am

Communicating Science: Writing
Section 70062R Wednesday 9:00-9:55am

Communicating Science: Online
Section 70063R Wednesday 12:00-12:55pm

We have recruited Dr. Llewellyn Cox, founder of LabLaunch https://lablaunch.org/ and BioBuilt to teach the course. Dr. Cox’s background spans both science and entrepreneurship. Having started and now run two biotechnology accelerators in the Los Angeles area, he has built a wealth of knowledge in biotechnology development and in industry connection. Dr. Cox will share his firsthand experience in communicating science to a wide range of audience.

TRGN 599 Syllabus: Online

TRGN 599 Syllabus: Speaking

TRGN 599 Syllabus: Writing

Published on August 24th, 2018Last updated on January 22nd, 2021