Seeking a Teaching Assistant (TA) for Oct-Dec 2018
USC Viterbi, USC MESH, and Innovation Node Los Angeles (IN-LA) are seeking a TA for an 8-week bootcamp program for entrepreneurs. The bootcamp is called Synchrotron and is designed to help early entrepreneurs translate their scientific discoveries into the commercial space. This edition of Synchrotron will be focused on health innovations and located at the Health Sciences Campus of USC (Location: NTT-4444, 1441 Eastlake Ave).
Class Dates/Times: Thursdays, 6-8:30pm from Oct 11 – Dec 6 (no class on Thanksgiving)
Pay: $25/hour for graduate students
Time Commitment: 5-10 hours per week
Duties: course logistics, communication, grading, etc.
Please email amanda Mason at if you are interested.
Published on September 6th, 2018Last updated on September 28th, 2021