Summer TA Position Available in the Department of Physics and Astronomy

The Department of Physics and Astronomy is looking for engineering PhD students to teach laboratory sections, as we are currently do not have enough Physics PhD students to fill all the positions.
One TA position is available for the second Summer Session (July through early August) and several TA positions are available for the Fall Semester.
• To be enrolled in a Viterbi PhD program
• To have less than full (50%) support through Viterbi and other programs
• Teach two lab sessions a week for six weeks through July and early August
• Attend biweekly training sessions
• Pay: Full-TA salary equivalent of 2.25 months
• Teach four lab sessions a week (full, 50% TA) or two lab sessions a week (25% TA)
• Enroll and sit in the one-hour-a-week PHYS 593 course
• Attend the weekly TA-training sessions
I would greatly appreciate if you could pass this information to your PhD students that may be interested.
Interested students need to send me their CV along with the amount of TAship they need (50% or 25%).

Dr. Gökhan Esirgen, Lab Director USC Phys and Astron Dept
3620 S Vermont Ave Rm KAP-B19 E-mail:
Los Angeles CA 90089-0484 Phone: (213) 740-1138 Fax: 740-4633

Published on May 6th, 2019Last updated on May 6th, 2019