April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and we have many events planned to support survivors and create a safer community. We hope to see you at our events!
“Know My Name” Book Discussion on April 2nd:
Join APIDA Women’s Collective for a book club discussion of “Know My Name”, by Chanel Miller. Discuss Chanel’s memoir and enter a raffle to win a copy of the book.
Download our Denim Day Digital Toolkit on April 5th:
Download our Denim Day Toolkit, complete with Zoom backgrounds, Instagram filters, and discussion guides! It will be available at https://studenthealth.usc.edu/saam-denimday/
Write Love Letters for Survivors on April 7th:
Show your support for survivors at our Survivor Love Letters event!
Take Back the Night with SAGE on April 9th:
SAGE is hosting virtual Take Back The Night Friday, April 9th from 1 - 2 pm. This will be a moment of healing through arts and creativity.
Bridging the Gap: Addressing Sexual Violence in the Margins on April 16th:
Join RSVP and USC’s cultural centers to discuss sexual and relationship violence in different communities! Bridging the Gap: Addressing Sexual Violence in the Margins will take place Friday, April 16th from 2 - 3:30pm.