DEN@Viterbi Limited Status

A student wishing to take course work for official USC credit, without having been formally admitted to a degree program, may be allowed to register as a Limited student. Qualified candidates for Limited student enrollment must have a B.S. degree in engineering or a closely related field (such as mathematics or science) from a regionally-accredited institution, with a minimum 3.0 GPA. They must also have the necessary background for the USC courses they wish to take. In addition, please note the following:

  • Limited student enrollment is not a promise of future admission.
  • A maximum of 12 units may be taken as a Limited graduate student and later applied for credit toward an advanced degree or graduate certificate.
  • Limited students ARE officially enrolled at the University and pay full tuition.
  • Limited students are not eligible for financial aid.
  • Grades earned as a Limited student will be considered when applying for formal admission.
  • Individuals who were previously denied admission to a USC engineering graduate degree program are not eligible to take courses as a Limited student.
  • Individuals must be located in the United States in order to pursue Limited Status Enrollment. If you are interested in pursuing your program via DEN@Viterbi from outside of the United States, you must review ‘DEN@Viterbi Information: Pursuing Programs from Outside the United States’ and apply for formal admission.

Request Limited Status

You must have approval to take courses at USC under the limited status enrollment category.

Create Your
DEN@Viterbi Profile

Submit your request for limited status by creating a DEN@Viterbi profile.

Create a Profile

Choose Your Courses

If you are approved for limited status, decide which course(s) you plan to take that is required for your intended program.

Schedule of Classes

Course offered are listed in the USC Schedule of Classes. Look for courses that state "DEN@Viterbi" in the location column..

View the Schedule

Register Online

You can register online once you obtain the necessary approvals. Please see the registration guidelines and instructions below.

DEN D-clearance Required

You can register online once you obtain the necessary approvals. Please see the registration guidelines and instructions below.

Submit Your Request

DEN@Viterbi (off campus) Limited Status Registration Steps

All DEN courses require departmental clearance (d-clearance) before a student can register in any DEN course. Follow the steps below to submit your DEN d-clearance request:

1. Login to DEN@Viterbi
2. Click DEN@Viterbi Tools on the navigation bar
3. Click on Request D-clearance link
4. Select the term from the drop down menu.
5. Select your courses and submit for processing. D-clearance requests may take up to 1 business day to process.

You can check the status of DEN d-clearance requests online through the D-Clearance Status link in your DEN@Viterbi Tools page.

Published on August 14th, 2017Last updated on June 19th, 2020