USC Information Technology Services (ITS) provides access to these essential resources and support. Computer accounts are automatically created for Admitted & Limited students enrolled at USC, but they must first be activated. If you experience any issues setting up your account or installing university provided software, please contact USC ITS directly.
Read more about computer accounts here.
To activate your USCNetID, please click here. Activating your USCNetID also creates your e-mail/UNIX account.
USC Email Communication Policy
All Admitted and Limited students are charged a engineering access fee each semester. This fee appears on your fee bill. Faculty and other university offices may use your USC email address as the primary means of communication with you. Visit the Tuition and Fees page for more information.
As a USC student, you are responsible for checking this account regularly.
You can now use your computer account with the help of a virtual private network (VPN) client to access restricted electronic resources while dialing to your ISP. For information on VPN software from USC,
click here. VPN, also called IP tunneling, is a secure method of accessing USC computer resources.
The host for all engineering student computer accounts is If you used a USC computer account in past semesters, your username and password remains unchanged.
Students given a USC computer account can freely download and purchase software from the
ITS download page.
Many homework assignments will be based on telneting into USC systems. If you are on the Internet from third party Internet Service Providers (not USC provided), you may need to install USC's VPN to complete certain projects. Visit the
USC software download page, then choose you Operating System, and you can download the Cisco/Intraport VPN Client.
Video Players
See the Technical Requirements section
Adobe Acrobat Reader
DEN uses the Adobe PDF format for posting many class notes online. Get the free Adobe Acrobat Reader by
clicking here.
If you run into any problems setting up a computer account, accessing email or downloading/installing university provided software, please
contact USC ITS directly.
Phone Support
Hours: 24/7
Email Support
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00AM-6:00PM