PhD Progress Review

August 30, 2018

I’m writing to inform you that effective Fall 2018, each academic department in the Viterbi School of Engineering will conduct a review of each PhD student twice per year. You will receive instructions from your graduate advisor or department chair next week with additional details.

Please note that each PhD student is required to submit the information specified by your department by the following deadlines:

  • Fall 2018 deadline is September 18, 2018, and will include your PhD progress from Spring and Summer 2018.
  • Spring 2019 deadline is January 4, 2019, and will include your PhD progress from Fall 2018.

Students who do not complete the progress review by the deadline will have a registration hold placed on their account, preventing course registration in the upcoming term.

If you are a new student who started at USC in Fall 2018, please enter as much information as possible but we understand you may not have made significant progress in your program in the short time you have been here.

Published on August 30th, 2018Last updated on August 30th, 2018